Biofuel Energy
Biofuel is derived directly from Biomass. This includes living matter such as wood, plants, algae material, and animal waste. Read about the current biofuel technologies and sources, along with steps being taken to revolutionize the future of the industry.
Different types of biofuel energy include:
- Ethanol is often derived from sugarcane and corn.
- Biodiesel is derived from vegetable oils and liquid animal fats.
- Green diesel is derived from algae and other plant sources
- Biogas (or methane) we derived from digested organic material and animal manure.
Renewable Energy World – Biofuel
Natural Resources Canada Bioenergy Systems
Canadian Biomass Innovation Network
OpenEI: List of Biofuel Companies Worldwide
Canadian BioDiesel Companies in Canada
Facebook Pages relating to Biofuel:
FB - Biofuels and Bioproducts From Microalgae
Videos on Biofuel:
FB - Video by RSTV - What is Biofuel?
FB - NowthisEarth/Producing Biofuels Isn’t Easy, Here’s Why
Science Channel's Video on Turning Coffee Grounds Into Biofuel Only Takes 10 Minutes
Read about using Rice Husks with Gas Stoves
Read more about Pond Biofuel by visiting Pond Technologies published this: “Recent advancement in the production of liquid biofuels from renewable resources: A review” published this article that explains: Pond Biofuel by Simon Avery
Global Spec: Breakthrough Advancements in Biofuels Research? by Brad Buecker, Process Specialist, Kiewit Engineering and Design Co.