Water Energy
Water Energy can be derived through harnessing and employing Tides, Waves, Currents, Thermal Gradient, and Salinity. As the potential for using Marine Renewable Energy abounds throughout the world, BC Sustainable Solutions has gathered some interesting links and resources to assist in better understanding the various applications and results. Also find listed below, projects, companies, and organizations making breakthroughs in logistics and technology, and helping countries throughout the world harness the energy water can generate.
Wikipedia: Pelamis Wave Energy Converter on-site at the European Marine Energy Test Centre
urbine that harnesses the ocean’s limitless energy
Sustainable Marine ~ Coastal and Nearshore Renewable Energy Solutions ~ The first floating tidal power off Nova Scotia. Watch their video: ‘The Power of the Tides’

Mashable’s Video: Sea Wave Energy Limited has developed the ‘Waveline Magnet’, a low-cost, eco-friendly energy source that uses a spine-shaped floating device to convert wave power into electricity.
Live Science – Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion – “… (uses) the temperature differences between surface water heated by the sun and water in the ocean’s chilly depths to generate electricity.”
BYJU’s Tidal Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages
Student Energy Video: Tidal Power 101
SmithsonianMag offers 7 Unexpected Ways We Can Get Energy From Water
Inceptive Mind Video: Flexible, seaweed-like generator for harvesting wave energy
Research Organizations Institutions, Networks, and Government Bodies